Shyampukur Vidhan Sabha (166) is located in Kolkata district of West Bengal and comes under the Kolkata Uttar Lok Sabha constituency. As per the estimates of 2011 census, out of total 234466 population 0% is rural and 100% is urban population. The Scheduled castes (SC) and Scheduled tribes (ST) ratio is 2.45 and 0.05, respectively out of total population. As per the voter list of 2019, there are 171986 electorates and 221 polling stations in this constituency. Voter turnout was 67.1% in 2019 Lok Sabha elections where as it was 68.3% in the 2016 assembly election. The AITC, the BJP, the CPM and the INC got 45.8%, 15.73%, -% and -% votes respectively in 2016 while 40.49%, 42.37%, 11.75% and 2.15% in 2019 respectively. Bandyopadhyay Sudip (AITC) is the present Lok Sabha MP of Kolkata Uttar and Shashi Panja (AITC) is the present MLA of Shyampukur Legislative Assembly.
Shyampukur Assembly Constituency
Ward | Mandal Name |
7,8,9,10 | Shyampukur North |
17,18,26 | Shyampukur East |
19,20,21,24 | Shyampukur West |
Total Ward – 11
Total Population – 234477
Total Voter – 172377
Total Male Voter –92104 Total Female Voter – 80272 Total Polling Station – 221
All Police Station – Shyampukur P.S , Grish Park P.S , Jorabagan P.S, Burtola P.S
Polling Station Shyampukur A/C
Ward -7
Haranath High School | 1,2 | 78, Baghbazar High School |
Aaikatan Community Hall | 3,4 | 78, Baghbazar High School |
Womens College | 5,6,7 | P-29 Kshirode vidya vinod avenue kol-3 |
Sri Ramkrishna Day Student Home | 8, 9,10, | 9,Pashupati Bose Lane Kol-3 |
Maharaja Cosimbazar Polytecnic Inst. | 11,12,13, | Nanda Lal Bose Lane |
Baghbazar Multipurpose Girl School | 14,15,16,17 | 65A, Baghbazar street kol-3 |
Bosepara U.P School | 18 | 48A/48d BosePara Lane |
Ward – 8
K.M.C Citizen Service Center BLDG | 19,20, | 56/1 Raja Raj BAllabh Street Kol- 3 |
Shyambazar Balika Vidyalaya | 21,25,26,27, | 11/1 RAmakant Bose Street |
Baghbazar High School | 22, 23,24, | 29A Maa Sharda Sarni |
K.M.C.P School | 28,29,31,32, | 3/2 Durga Charan Street |
Centeral Medical Store | 30 | 541B Ravindra Sarni |
Shyambazar A.V School | 33,34,35,36 | 88 Shyambazar Street |
Polling Station Shyampukur A/C
Ward -9
Partistha Community Hall | 37,48,49, | Jatindra Mohan Avenue Kol-5 |
Kumartuli Institute. | 38,47,50 | 19 Abhoy Mitra Street |
K.M.C Health Service Unit | 39, 45, | 2/2A Banamali Sarkar Street Kol-5 |
K.M.C Ward office | 40,41,42,46, | Abhoy Mitra Street |
Upendra Vidya Mandir | 43,44, | 55 Balram Majumdar Street Kol-5 |
Ward – 10
Maharaja Manindra Chandara College | 51,52,53,54,55, | 20 Ramakant Bose Street |
Sailendra Sircar School | 56,57,66,67,70,71, | 62 A Shyampukur Street Kol-4 |
KMCP School | 58,59,62, | 5/1 Balram Ghosh Street |
Duff School | 60,61,63,64,65, | 23A Balram Ghosh Street Kol – 4 |
Town School | 68,72, | 33 Shyampukur Street |
Seth Anandram Jaipuria College | 69,73,74,75 | 62A Shyampukur Street |
Polling Station Shyampukur A/C
Ward -17
Calcutta Vidya Bhavan | 76,77,87 | 36C Sri Arvind Sarni (Grey St. Kol-5) |
Gana Bhavan | 78,85,90,91,92,93,96 | 22 Jatindra Mohan Avenue Kol- 6 |
Calcutta Jublee Institution | 79,80,82 | 66B Masjid Bari Street Kol-6 |
Sadhak Ramprosad & Bhakta S.C Srimani Institute | 81,83,84 | 74 Sri Arvind Sarni Kol-6 |
Sri Vidyaniketan Junior School | 86,94,95 | 26B Nilmoni Moitra Street Kol-6 |
Civil Defence Office | 88,89 | 18 JAtindra Mohan Avenue Kol-6 |
Ward – 18
Ram Joy Sil Shishu Pathshala | 97,104,,105,110,111,114 | 16/1A Fakir Chakrboty Lane Kol-6 |
Suubham Community Hall | 98,115 | 21/1 Masjid Bari Street Kol-6 |
KMC Swastha Kendra | 99, | 21/1 Masjid Bari Street Kol-6 |
KMCP School (Masjid Bari Street) | 100,101,102, | 21/1 Masjid Bari Street Kol-6 |
Uma Vidyalaya | 103,107, | 400 Rabindra Sarni Kol-6 |
KMC Ward 18 Office | 106,108,109, | 406A Rabindra Sarni Kol-6 |
Shree Vidhya Niketan | 112,113,116,117 | 9A Jatindra Mohan Avenue Kol-6 |
Polling Station Shyampukur A/C
Ward -19
Naboday ICDC Center | 118, | 51 Nather Bagan Lane Kol-5 |
KMC Health Center | 119,125,126, | 11/A Nather Bagan Lane Kol-5 |
KMC Community Hall | 120,121, | 105 B.K .Paul Avenue Kol-5 |
KMC Ward Office | 122,134,135 | 105 B.K .Paul Avenue Kol-5 |
Sarda Charan Aryan Institue | 123,124,132,133 | Ward 19 B.K.Paul Crossing |
KMC Primary School | 127,130,131,136 | 12 Beniatola Street Kol-5 |
Ahiritola U.P Vidyalaya | 128, | 8D Ahiritola 1st Lane Kol-5 |
Shree Saraswati Pathshala | 129, | 154/A Ahiritola Street Kol-5 |
Ward – 20
Sreema Prabasikalay | 137, | 29A Kashi Dutta Street Kol-6 |
Ahiritola Bongo Vidyalaya | 138,139,142,144,145,147 | 80B B.K.Paul Street Kol -6 |
Manglik Community Hall | 140,146,153 | 73 M.D Road Kol-6 |
The Oriental School | 141,151,154,155,156 | 363, Rabindra Sarni Kol-6 |
Gyan Bharti Vidhyapith | 143,149,150, | 64 A Nimtalla Ghat Street Kol-6 |
Nabhat Community Hall | 148,152, | 25 Ahiritola Street –Kol-6 |
Polling Station Shyampukur A/C
Ward -21
Shri Digambar Jain Balika Vidyalaya | 157,158,167,168,169,170, | 221 Mahershee Devendra Road Kol-6 |
Jorabagan Community Hall | 159,160,177 | 1 Jorabagan Street Kol -6 |
Binani Bhavan | 161,162,163,164,165,166, 172,173,175,176 | 81 Pathuria Ghat Street Kol-6 |
Shri Gandhi Vidyalaya | 171,174 | 22 Stand Bank Road Kol-6 |
Ward – 24
KMCP School | 178,180 | 23/1 Castle Tagore Street Kol-6 |
Shri Balkrishna Vithhalnath Balika Vidyalaya | 181,182,184,185,189 | 26 P.K .Tagore Street Kol- 6 |
Maheshwari Girls School | 179,183,186,187,188 ,190,191,195, | 273 Rabindra Sarni Kol-6 |
Balika Vidhya Bhavan | 192,193,194,196,197 | 41A Brajodulal Street |
Ward -26
K M C Primay School | 198,199,201,202,210,211 | 9/2, Bedon Square Kolkata – 6 |
K M C Health Centre | 200,203,218 | 171, Ramesh Dutta Street Kol – 6 |
Janakalyan Free Primary School | 204,205 | 6, Jogen Dutta Lane Kol – 6 |
Bethun School | 206,207,216 | 181, Bidhan Sarani Kol – 6 |
Keshab Academy | 208,209,212,217,221 | 148, Ramdulal Sarkar Street Kol – 6 |
Balika Shiksha Sadan | 213,214,219 | 87, Vivekanand Road Kol – 6 |
Shree Vidhyaniketan Girls School | 215,220 | 7/3, Bedon Street Kol – 6 |
Shyampukur Assembly
Total Voter Details
Ward | Total Voter | Male | Female | Total Population |
7 | 14710 | 7594 | 7116 | 19180 |
8 | 14395 | 7329 | 7066 | 18760 |
9 | 14335 | 7503 | 6831 | 16420 |
10 | 16887 | 8538 | 8349 | 27700 |
17 | 16377 | 8338 | 8039 | 21023 |
18 | 16191 | 8082 | 8109 | 22267 |
19 | 14669 | 7704 | 6965 | 21158 |
20 | 14143 | 7859 | 6284 | 21587 |
21 | 14402 | 8876 | 5526 | 21187 |
24 | 15454 | 9119 | 6335 | 19824 |
26 | 20814 | 11162 | 9652 | 25371 |
Total | 172377 | 92104 | 80272 | 234477 |
2014 Loksabha Result Ward Wise
WARD | B.J.P | T.M.C | C.P.I.M |
7 | 2782 | 4187 | 2869 |
8 | 2867 | 4067 | 2654 |
9 | 2617 | 4394 | 3065 |
10 | 2839 | 5752 | 3019 |
17 | 3138 | 5521 | 2683 |
18 | 3380 | 1957 | 3337 |
19 | 2490 | 4712 | 2959 |
20 | 3030 | 2918 | 3254 |
21 | 4397 | 1935 | 2482 |
24 | 5443 | 2157 | 986 |
26 | 4698 | 2915 | 2935 |
Total | 37681 | 40515 | 30243 |
2016 Assembly Result Ward Wise
WARD | B.J.P | T.M.C | Congress + Left Front |
7 | 1290 | 4602 | 4163 |
8 | 1403 | 4910 | 3397 |
9 | 1348 | 5766 | 3439 |
10 | 997 | 5262 | 5231 |
17 | 1205 | 5582 | 3931 |
18 | 2035 | 4766 | 3718 |
19 | 1286 | 5512 | 3564 |
20 | 1478 | 3925 | 3500 |
21 | 2334 | 2941 | 3396 |
24 | 3181 | 3132 | 1689 |
26 | 2132 | 6829 | 4302 |
Total | 18698 | 53227 | 40330 |
2019 Loksabha Result Ward Wise
WARD | B.J.P | T.M.C | C.P.I.M |
7 | 4108 | 4396 | 1351 |
8 | 3875 | 4073 | 1366 |
9 | 3921 | 4496 | 1256 |
10 | 3472 | 5770 | 1739 |
17 | 3703 | 6101 | 1433 |
18 | 4746 | 4079 | 1112 |
19 | 3706 | 4706 | 1101 |
20 | 5055 | 5250 | 1322 |
21 | 5203 | 2231 | 1001 |
24 | 5943 | 2145 | 451 |
26 | 6107 | 5381 | 1443 |
Total | 49839 | 48628 | 13575 |